Monday, January 12, 2009

FeedBurner: Supercharge your Blog!

If you are serious about blogging (and you should be), you should consider using FeedBurner. FeedBurner is a special blog-enhancing service which is available for free from It is designed to promote and enhance your blog and provide you with accurate statistics about your blog subscribers.

The video included in this blog will introduce you to how to "hook up" your MyRealPage blog to the FeedBurner and will explore a few useful features provided by FeedBurner, such as:

  • PingShot
  • Email Subscription
  • Feed Integration with MyRealPage

Feedburner's PingShot will scan your blog for updates and "ping" well known blog aggregators about changes in your blog. It's a great way to tell the world that you have news.

Email Subscription form is a useful tool which can be easily embedded anywhere you like on a blog page in your MyRealPage website. It will notify your web visitors about updates in your blog.

Lastly, in order to allow FeedBurner to collect and report accurate statistics about your subscribers, MyRealPage can be instructed to redirect all subscription requests to FeedBurner. This feature is explored in the last section of the video.

These are, by no means, all the features provided by the FeedBurner. Invest some time and learn what it offers (hint: take a look at embedding "Publicize->Chicklets", "Optimize->FeedFlare"). Start slow and experiment! 

A hint: to embed various widgets from FeedBurner, use the example of Email Subscription from the video; i.e. use the "Html Markup" weblet: it's the easiest way to paste a code snippet into your web page.

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